13 Aug Virtual Coaching: Benefits of New Technology Platforms
At Pinnacle 7, our main focus is to get you the results you want, and to guide you in building your business for sustained growth. The measured effectiveness of each of our approaches is vital to the coaching outcomes. Needless to say, we are always measuring and adjusting to get you the right results. As times change, and our relationship with technology changes with that, we’ve noticed a common thread of success for clients using virtual coaching.
The emergence of technologically-based platforms has set us up to consider and test how powerful remote and virtual success can be. We know the ultimate importance of good communication, and we highly recommend virtual coaching as an additional, effective communication and coaching tool. Our experience is that the added benefits of different types of remote coaching are tremendous.
Virtual coaching can be as good as, if not better than, in-person coaching. Here are some of the major benefits in using virtual coaching as a tool in assisting your sustained business growth.
1) Create better focus — Our experience is that business owners tend to be more highly focused when coaching remotely. They naturally hold themselves accountable for the time invested in the virtual meeting and seem to concentrate more consistently.
2) Saves time and money (on gas) — This one speaks for itself. Without the commute both ways, you’re saving vital time in the office working on your business. And you also save on miles and gas money!
3) You have everything you need — There is an added advantage of being in your office with your materials and team. We’ve had clients bring their team members in on a remote meeting to chime in on different issues. And it’s always helpful to have your materials easily accessible.
4) Highly Convenient — Jumping on a Skype, Zoom, or telephone conference call is favorable in many cases simply because it’s conducive to efficiency. It’s comfortable and takes little-to-no time at all to jump on and off and get right back to business.
5) Flexibility with schedule — If you’ve ever needed to make a scheduling change to a virtual coaching session, you already know the benefit here. It’s usually much easier to make a last minute scheduling adjustment than it would be for a face-to-face meeting.
6) Environmentally friendly — There is no need to acknowledge the obvious need to help reduce our carbon footprint. With no car to get into, we’re one step closer to saving our planet.
7) Truly Effective! When our entire business is built on producing measurable results to help build your business, we can’t waste any time on ineffective strategies. We’ve found that this method, when combined with face-to-face meetings and seminars, can actually create better results in a shorter period of time.
We would love to hear from you and how you’ve used virtual technology to help your business grow!
If you are interested in learning more about the virtual coaching program and services that Pinnacle 7 offers, please fill out our contact form or send an email to michellelandis@pinnacle7.com. Keep Climbing!
Michelle Landis, Founder and Principal, Master Business Coach
As a business coach, I use a unique blend of coaching and consulting to help business owners achieve a higher level of performance for both themselves and their business. It’s a very direct approach that provides my clients with insights into what is coming next, laser-sharp focus and the opportunity to practice, make mistakes and learn in a safe and supportive environment.
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