
In our technology-focused business climate, commerce has shifted away from the store front and transitioned directly to the internet. This means that by providing original content that offers educational value, you will increase your website rankings, attract visitors, and eventually convert visitors to paying customers. Content Marketing is here to stay. Referred to as “content marketing,” this method of soft advertising has become increasingly important in business as the consumer and B2B (Business to Business) market has become increasingly web-focused. What do you typically do when looking for a product or service? Most likely, you do a web search and pull up some initial research online to become an educated consumer. Then you sort through a large number of search results, which include articles on the topic of interest. Through this process of gathering information, you are naturally also viewing what services or products companies are offering.  This is content marketing doing its magical work. 
Setting aside time to complete annual planning is rarely at the top of a small business owner’s priority list. It's almost never considered an urgent task, but it can provide a huge ROI.   The foundation for good annual business planning is almost always set upon an excellent planning infrastructure that includes pre-planning assessments, goal setting, and then the development of quarterly plans. The importance of pre-planning by completing a past year assessment and review to assess your year should not be underestimated. It sets you up for a focused and well-prioritized plan and should make goal setting and quarterly planning much easier.  
Most seasoned business owners understand that planning is one of the most important aspects in creating a successful business. It is important to know which types of business planning you should use and when you should be creating them. But with so many different types of planning options to choose from, it can be confusing! So, what do you really need to do? 
Quite often I run into business owners who know they are in need of assistance but are confused whether they need a coach or a consultant. Often they are not sure what the difference is between the two or they don’t know which one would be appropriate for their situation. The difference between consulting and coaching can appear subtle, but there are distinct differences and both approaches are valuable.
As a business coach, I often see that implementing effective marketing approaches presents itself as a major challenge for many clients. Today’s marketing trends are changing at a vast and rapid rate. This can make it even more challenging to find and make the most of the valuable trends while they last.

Time and tide wait for no one - Anonymous

In an era where productivity rules and the ability to be efficient is of paramount importance, it is easy to see why time management is imperative to success. What’s harder to understand is why it exists as a universal problem. Every business owner or executive seems to struggle with time management on some level. Managing our time is difficult because, well…
Setting aside time to plan is rarely at the top of a small business owner’s priority list and is almost never considered an urgent task. Creating general quarterly or end-of-year goals can be an easy task that only takes a few moments of our time, but seldom does this type of ‘goal-setting’ drive us to the next level of success. The foundation for good business planning is almost always set upon an excellent planning infrastructure. When we neglect to prioritize a full day of productive planning on a quarterly basis, we are literally failing our business.
As leaders and business owners, I believe reading can take us and our businesses to new levels.  Maybe the following quotes are the best way to express my feelings: “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”- Harry S. Truman “Some people will lie, cheat, steal and back-stab to get ahead...and to think, all they have to do is READ.” - Fortune
Getting authentic and valuable customer feedback is absolutely essential to the growth and success of your business. Although, getting this information is not always that easy. Here we will discuss the difference between traditional and modern models of obtaining customer feedback as well as provide you with valuable tips for retrieving this information as easily as possible.
Finding a growth strategy that works for you is absolutely vital for the survival of your business. Whether you're trying to grow your business organically, or you're focused on strategic growth through developing new markets, the key to ensure your business thrives is through the development of thoughtful strategies that build on your strengths. Often the best way to achieve these sorts of goals is through the development of quarterly plans that allow you to break down long-term aspirations into achievable short-term tasks.
Strengthen your business. Produce the results you want.