
Some people think that inspirational quotes are just fluff. However, I’m a firm believer that having a success mindset is critical in running a successful business. It may even be more important than business acumen. Running a business is hard work. And sometimes it can be downright draining.
The truth is I couldn’t pick just 10 great business books. After all, there are more than 10,000 business books published each year! But, I did manage to narrow the list down to 11 great summer business reads that will help you be at the top of your game. Get ready to be inspired!

Your employees can be smart and talented, possess valued skills, and have years of experience, but if their motivators are not aligned with the role they're in or the kind of work they're doing, they won't excel. Do you know what drives your employees?

A 90-day plan will help you identify the steps you need to take and the habits you need to build over a targeted space of time. Whether you’re a profitable mid-cap company or a start-up business, the 90-day plan is your ticket to focused success.
Strengthen your business. Produce the results you want.