Business Tools


It’s important to be well informed when it comes to running your business. That’s why we’ve put together a list of helpful tools. From calculators and checklists to leadership assessments, our value-added tools offer a wealth of knowledge, right here at your fingertips!

Worksheets and Questionnaires

Break Even Calculator

A worksheet designed to help you identify the amount of money you need to bring into the business to cover your expenses.

Potential KPI Checklist

A checklist designed to help you identify potential Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in a variety of business areas to help you reach the pinnacle of success.

Decision Matrix

A worksheet designed to help you get clarity on any transition you may be facing in life–but especially in your business.

20 Ways to Say No

A helpful list of ideas for saying no for the right reason.

A Performance Management Model

A great overview model of the key components of performance management!

Generational Differences

A worksheet to help you determine what generation your employees fall into and how they might think about leadership, communication and rewards in the workplace.

Group Interviews

A how-to look at conducting group interviews

The Process of Delegation

A guideline on how to delegate properly with some exercises to help guide you through the process.

Pricing Worksheet

A guideline on how to effectively increase or decrease your prices.

Performance Reviews Checklist

A checklist designed to help you identify the actions you can take to make performance reviews relevant and get the results you want.

Top 20 Time Wasters

Discover 20 hidden time wasters so that you can get your daily schedule back on track. This worksheet notes hidden time wasters according to your DISC type.

Time Boxes Worksheet

A visual schedule is imperative in keeping you day under your control. Fill in this unique worksheet to help you focus on your daily tasks and creatively block time to complete them.

Cultivating a Business Culture … Checklist

A business culture is those self-sustaining behaviors that guide how things get done. Define what culture you want in your organization, and then complete the checklist to determine your strengths and what is missing.

Generational Workplace Values

A worksheet to help you determine how your employees fit into a generation and how they might respond to values and leadership.

Millennials – Top 10 Motivators

A fun activity for employers to rate themselves against the top 10 motivators for the millennial employee.

Delegation and Time Management Grid

A worksheet to help you determine how and to whom you would delegate tasks in order to save time.

Top Drivers of Attraction, Retention & Engagement

A source of ideas to help build your team.

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worksheets and

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DISC Profile Tools

DISC Profile Overview

A quick summary of the DISC profile online assessment, an invaluable behavior profiling system that teaches users how to identify – and use to their advantage – the predictable aspects of communication.

Motivators Overview

A quick overview of Motivators, the perfect companion assessment to pair with DISC, which measures the seven universal dimensions of motivation that exist within each of us.

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to exclusive
DISC profile

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