3 Simple Ways To Get Press Attention For Your Business

3 Simple Ways To Get Press Attention For Your Business

Getting the right kind of press attention can be challenging for any type of business. However, there are free and affordable ways to catch the eye of the media.

Use these three effective techniques for getting good publicity for your company.

1. Schedule Speaking Engagements

Speaking about what you do in public is free, and it costs only your time and effort in planning and delivering your speech. In some cases, you may even be paid for your talk; however, in these cases, you’ll likely have to keep marketing-speak to a minimum. Speaking in public forums is a great way to get the attention of the local media. You might even tip off news outlets about your appearance ahead of time by sending out a press release or appearing in person.

2. Sponsor Local Events

Another great idea is to sponsor local events that mean something to the community. Becoming a sponsor does require a cost investment, but it’s a great way to give your business name and logo some valuable exposure. Whether it’s a charity event, school sports team, tournament, a fun run or other nonprofit event, sponsoring local events shows that you’re community-minded, and as a plus side it can result in excellent media exposure.

3. “Create” News

Another innovative way to catch the attention of the media is by creating news stories. Are you wondering how to create a news story out of “nothing”? Look for trending topics and see how your business might overlap. Flesh out human interest stories related to your business, such as how you got your start, inspiring customer case studies or profiles of charities that your businesses support. Consider using a service like HARO (Hire a Reporter) and become a source for reporters to pick up your news stories.

Garnering attention in a media-saturated world can be a challenge for any business, especially when you don’t appear to have anything newsworthy to report. While it can be challenging for entrepreneurs to get press for their businesses, it is possible.

Have you had success in getting press attention for your business? Share your story in the comments below!

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